Book Arts– Hand Made Books

Fall 2015


Book Arts - Paper folding and binding techniques


Lead Designer and Book Maker


Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign

In spring 2015 I took book arts at the Academy in which I learned how to make books from scratch. The focus of the class was multiple paper folding and book binding techniques. The class quickly became on of my favorite classes that I took during my time in school. It was really refreshing to do something that was very hands on. This page highlights a couple of the books I made during this class.

Burning Man Beginner Book

My final book arts assignment was to create an extensive guide of my chosing. Inspired by my recent trip to Burning Man, I decided to create a guide of tips and tricks for someone who had never been to Burning Man before. The book is square in shape and has an accordian binding with french fold pages. All the photos were taken by me at Burning Man and the content was written by me.

Summer of ‘96

Summer of ’96 was a smell inspired book which was inspired by things that I enjoyed as a child during the summer. The book is a leparello fold with covers at the front and back. The artwork I created is just simple outline that I colored in with paint made from water colors that had a slight scratch and sniff effect.

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Baykeeper Plastic Campaign